Why I blog

A drop of water

(Photo: Evan Leeson)

I want to live in a world where families (in all their diversity) are cherished and supported; communities are inclusive, resilient and vibrant; the environment is valued and protected; and injustice is a thing of the past. I know I’m a dreamer and an idealist but I also know that change is possible. Blogging is one way I can be a little drop in the ocean of change.

I started the blog in the hope that students and practitioners in particular, but also families and anybody who want to make a difference, will find useful and inspiring resources about inclusive, strengths-based approaches to working with families and communities.

Writing as a lecturer, practitioner, environmental campaigner and parent means how I approach my posts vary. You’ll find discussion, supported by literature, of important concepts (e.g., What is asset-based community-driven development?); reflections from my work (e.g., 10 things I’ve learnt about strengths-based community engagement); comments about TED talks or other resources (e.g., ABCD and Making the invisible visible); discussion of projects I’ve been involved in (e.g., What is the Transition Streets Challenge?); papers I’ve written (e.g., “I try and make it feel more like a home” – families living in caravan parks) and reflections on being a parent (e.g., Death of a chicken).

I’m not interested in being an academic who lives in an ivory tower; I am interested in how we can apply knowledge and insights from research, practice and lived experience to shine a light on some of the complex problems we face as families, communities and the human race. I hope you will join me as we explore how we can make a difference and that you will share your insights and experience.

If you liked this post you might want to follow my blog (top right-hand corner of the blog), and you might like to look at:

  1. Blogging as an academic
  2. Focusing more on families
  3. When is it OK for kids to walk home alone?
  4. Sustaining Community Facebook page
  5. Resources for students
  6. Give Frank a Break!

About Graeme Stuart

Alternatives to Violence Project facilitator, honourary lecturer (University of Newcastle), environmentalist, father (of adult children). Passionate about peace, nonviolence, sustainability, strengths-based practice and community development.
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1 Response to Why I blog

  1. Bravo – keep up the good work! I look forward to reading more of your thoughtful posts.

    Liked by 1 person

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