Take a street and build a community

This TEDx talk by Shani Graham shows what can happen when neighbours get together.

Who knows what could happen if you consciously built relations with your neighbours!

We are discovering what a difference it can make through the Kids Vegies on the Verge. While enthusiasm for the garden has dropped off a bit (there is another working bee coming up that might help re-inspire people), friendships and connections have continued to grow. We now know most of the people in our stretch of our street – before the garden we knew only a few people. We are sure that these relationships are going to lead somewhere interesting, just don’t ask us what!

As I’ve mentioned before, Hulbert Street,  was one of my inspirations for the Transition Streets Challenge. The workshop that brought the street together was Living Smart, which sound like a great program. One of the things that I like about the Transition Streets Challenge (and could happen with Living Smart) is that it is done in a street. (As I understand it, Living Smart helps people to become sustainable champions in their own communities, but the workshops are normally not for one street or neighbourhood.) I think the most important thing for these types of programs is bringing people together so they can do amazing things.

What has happened when you have got together with people in your street or neighbourhood?

If you liked this post you might want to subscribe to the blog (top right-hand corner of the blog),  and you might like to read:

  1. Hulbert Street – building community in a street
  2. “We didn’t just build a garden, we built a community”
  3. Transition Streets Challenge – comments from coordinators
  4. The Transition Streets Challenge: Potential and challenges
  5. An edible town?

About Graeme Stuart

Alternatives to Violence Project facilitator, honourary lecturer (University of Newcastle), environmentalist, father (of adult children). Passionate about peace, nonviolence, sustainability, strengths-based practice and community development.
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4 Responses to Take a street and build a community

  1. Claire says:

    As someone who was a part of a youth committee for the Sunshine Coast Council in QLD I can vouch that giving kids the space and time to do research and decision making regarding youth priorities and sense of place in the community is very important and has surprising results.

    Through the use of the youth forum the council managed to put on more public transport for kids to utilise to get up and down the sunshine coast and it’s benefited everyone.



  2. elleran says:

    Sharing what happened in our street once the kids got talking!!Hi Graham. Could Matt please have a letter of support from you about the importance of kids having a say in decision making and also the importance of children having a sense of place in their community? Vic.rds and council are meeting with us on Wednesday at 11am, probably to shut the idea down! Matt needs all the help he can to get at least one trial sign up! (it can always come down if it didn’t work!!!) Thanks so much. Narelle Debenham


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